
Legal liability insurance of motor. Заявка на расчет/оформление страхования

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Расчет на сайте служит для предварительного ознакомления с тарифами и не является итоговым предложением клиентам компании.

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При повреждении- 1% от страховой суммы, но не менее 30 000 тенге
При полной гибели и утрате – 10% от страховой суммы.

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Legal liability insurance of motor

Both in large cities and in small towns, unexpected situations on the road can happen to anyone.


WHY do you need a voluntary third party liability insurance agreement for owners of motor transport (hereinafter referred to as - CAR VOLUNTARY INSURANCE)

The maximum damage that can be reimbursed by an insurance company under the OBLIGATORY INSURANCE OF CIVIL LIABILITY OF VEHICLE OWNERS policy for transport owners is limited by the law. 
The CAR VOLUNTARY INSURANCE agreement provides for cover the damage exceeding such limits. ТNow even a collision with multiple cars or an expensive car will not be a sudden expense for you.

Under the motor CAR VOLUNTARY INSURANCE agreement, IC "Kazakhmys” indemnifies to the damaged (third) party the losses arising due to the infliction of damage upon the property of third parties (transport, building, fence etc.) or the infliction of damage upon the lives and health of third parties (the driver and passengers of another party’s means of transport, passers-by, pedestrians etc.).



Calculate the cost


HOW it works

If you conclude a OBLIGATORY INSURANCE OF CIVIL LIABILITY OF MOTOR OWNERS policy for transport owners or a HULL Insurance agreement with IC "Kazakhmys” , you can simultaneously acquire a car voluntary third party liability agreement.

You can choose at your pleasure the necessary CAR VOLUNTARY INSURANCE indemnity limit over the indemnity under the OBLIGATORY INSURANCE OF CIVIL LIABILITY OF MOTOR OWNERS agreement for transport owners.

Under the CAR VOLUNTARY INSURANCE agreement, the payments are received by a third party.


What to do if your own car has been damaged in a road accident?

If an accident is deemed to be your fault and your car also needs repair, a HULL Insurance will help bring it back to its marketable condition.
